but what does it
taste like?

Mixed Fruit and Custard Flavoured Double Cream Yoghurt

Published 2 days ago5 min read
Comparing Fair Cape and Pick n Pay Mixed Fruit and Custard Flavoured Double Cream Yoghurt

When: 12 April 2021 @ 15:45

Both samples bought in the same week.

Fair Cape (FC): bought at Checkers. PD 17 March 2021. UB 11 May 2021. Price R33.99/1kg tub

Pick n Pay (PNP): bought at PnP. PD 19 Feb 2021. SB 16 April 2021. UB 29 April 2021. Price R31.99/1kg tub

Presentation was sighted. Comments are mine.

Mixed Fruit and Custard Double Cream Yoghurt


(see also labels for more detail)

FC 6% fruit: pear, peach, apricot, prune, colourant

PNP 4% fruit: fruit pulp (peach, pear, apple, prune, raisin), flavourings

Yoghurt Ingredients Yoghurt ingredients


FC: orange, glossy, even, smooth, uniform colour. Quite a lot of large fruit pieces, mainly orange in colour.

PNP: white/cream, uniform colour, "open" texture. Few and small pieces of fruit.

Yoghurt colour FC(L) and PNP(R)


FC: strong vanilla, caramel and custard aroma, some dried fruit - stone fruit (apricot and peach). Strong sweet associated heavy "sweet" aromas with some cooked milk aroma.

PNP: subtle aroma. Floral vanilla aroma. Sour milk almost buttermilk-like aroma, with some fresh and tinned fruit aromas.

Yoghurt tasting


Yoghurt tasting (after)