but what does it
taste like?

Checkers Championship Boerewors

Published 2 days ago5 min read
Vertical tasting of 2019 vs 2020 Checkers Championship Boerewors winners

When: Friday evening, 16 April 2021

Identical sell-by dates and price. Both bought fresh from Checkers Dorp Street, Stellenbosch, earlier that day. Wors is made on site at the in-store butchery (note to self - compare wors from different stores?)

Presentation was sighted and evaluated after braaiing. Comments are mine, with some family input as well.

Checkers Championship Boerewors packaging    


(see also the labels on the image for more detail)

  • 2020: beef 56.7%, pork 34%, water 4.6%
  • 2019: beef 69.6%, pork 17.4%, lamb 5.8%, water 3.5%


Checkers Championship Boerewors cooked on the braai (2019 in the middle, 2020 top and bottom)


  • 2020: after braaiing - seemed thinner, no juices in dish on standing
  • 2019: after braaiing - seemed thicker, lots of juices in dish on standingCheckers Championship Boerewors cooked on the braai


  • 2020: grainy, less coriander, beef-fat-like aroma
  • 2019: strong coriander, smokey, savoury meatiness


  • 2020: low spicy flavour, some breadiness, braaiwors character
  • 2019: high spicy flavour, high coriander, meaty, smokey, black pepper, droewors-associated

Basic tastes

  • 2020: quite salty
  • 2019: less salty, some sweetness


  • 2020: crumbly meat, drier
  • 2019: soft, elastic, juicy, chewy pieces of meat

General comments

  • 2020: aromas and flavours are more subtle
  • 2019: longer aftertaste, stronger overall aroma and flavour

It would have been interesting to weigh the meat after cooking. Also, boerewors by its nature is a complex product with room for lots of batch variation. Probably best to repeat this again in a few weeks and see if I get the same results. Also, the wors is prepared on site at the on-site butchery. Might be interesting to compare the same "vintage" wors from different stores.